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  • 21.08.17 DEDJTR ERR Policy rapid policy co-design workshop, Melbourne, R. Kerr, E. Gibson
  • 23.08.17 Management Committee meeting, Kilmore
  • 23.08.17 Associates Committee meeting, Kilmore
  • 24.08.17 DEDJTR Extractive Industry Taskforce forum debrief, Melbourne, E. Gibson

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As part of the ongoing RRAM Enhancement Project, the project team has been collating feedback from RRAM users across the earth resources sector to identify issues that can be addressed in the short to medium-term.

In the coming week, a number of changes to RRAM will be implemented. These are in response to this feedback, and are designed to improve the useability of RRAM for everyone.

Changes in the August release include:

  • enhancements to the file attachment process, including allowing multiple files to be uploaded, and adding the ability to delete files without needing to overwrite them
  • changes to bring RRAM application forms in line with the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990.

You can download detailed notes on the release here. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the release or any other issues with RRAM, please let us know.

For more information on using RRAM and other useful hints and tips, visit RRAM – did you know?. We’re always keen to hear your suggestions on what improvements you would like to see in RRAM, so if you have an idea, contact Earth Resources Regulation.

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The Victorian Government has established six Metropolitan Partnerships as a new and coordinated way for communities to advise government on what matters in their region. The Metropolitan Partnerships have been created because the government recognises that local communities are best placed to advise on what the issues and priorities are for their region.

The Partnerships will be holding six Assemblies in metropolitan Melbourne, from August through to October, to engage with community and businesses members, and other key stakeholders. At the Assemblies, participants will discuss key priorities and possible actions identified by Partnerships. This feedback will inform the development of priorities for the six regions, which will be shared with the Victorian Government for consideration.

Dates for each Assembly are detailed in the flyer below.
To express your interest to attend any of the six Assemblies, please visit the relevant Engagement Victoria webpage and follow the link to ‘express your interest to attend’.

HURRY – registering your interest for some Assemblies closes in coming days.

You can also ‘share your thoughts’ on these pages from six weeks prior to the relevant Assembly date.


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Goulburn locals have a chance to continue their conversation with the Andrews Labor Government, with community consultation leading up to the next Goulburn Regional Assembly kicking off today.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford encouraged local residents to engage with the Goulburn Regional Partnership ahead of its 2017 Regional Assembly, which will be held in Seymour on 30 August.

The Labor Government established nine Regional Partnerships last July to enable communities to have their say on local matters and provide a direct voice into government decision-making.

Top priorities identified last year for Goulburn included agriculture and health, as well as support for peri urban growth, economic diversification, supporting young people and digital connectivity.

The Goulburn Regional Partnership has started seeing the results of its hard work with the Labor Government announcing a $45 million Connecting Regional Communities Program to support digital initiatives.

The region has also received  funding for a business case for the Munarra Centre of Excellence in the Goulburn Murray –  a state-of- the art indigenous, sporting, cultural and education precinct.

The Labor Government has also announced funding to support the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID) master plan.

This year’s consultation and Regional Assembly will give the community a chance to build on the momentum already gained and share thoughts about local opportunities and challenges across every government portfolio.

The Goulburn Regional Partnership includes the shires of Mitchell, Moira, Murrindindi and Strathbogie and the City of Greater Shepparton.

Register to attend or become part of the conversation online by visiting

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Rural and regional Victorians are passionate to develop their regions. We hope they’ll embrace this opportunity to be part of Victoria’s Regional Assemblies.”

“This year’s Regional Assemblies are now well underway. We are hearing from Victoria’s rural and regional communities and we look forward to hearing from locals in the Goulburn region.”

Quotes attributable to Goulburn Regional Partnership Chair David McKenzie

“The Goulburn Regional Assembly is an opportunity for members of the community to have their say about priorities for our region.”

“We want to build on the work that’s been done, hear new ideas and dig deeper so that the government, the community and industry can collaborate for the benefit of the whole region.”

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  • 10.08.17 Jason Rudge, William Adams, Kilmore
  • 10.08.17 Aerolite Quarries, E. Gibson and M. Oakley
  • 15.08.17 Extractive Industry forum DEDJTR, Melbourne, B. Natoli R. Kerr, S. Andrew, E. Gibson
  • 15.08.17 M. Wagner, S. Andrew Conundrum Holdings, Melbourne, E. Gibson, M. Oakley
  • 17.08.17 DEDJTR ERR Stakeholder Reference Group meeting, DEDJTR, Melbourne, E. Gibson

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PwC’s Skills for Australia are working on behalf of, and engaged by the Federal Department of Education and Training to put employers at the centre of Australia’s qualification and training system. Feedback on training and skills across Australia for several areas within the Resource and Infrastructure Industry is currently being sought.

We are looking to gather views from industry and employers on the types of skills that are required, and job activities that people are doing day to day in: mobile plant operation and materials handling, first emergency response, traffic management, tyre fitting and shotfiring. We are looking for as much employer and industry feedback as possible to make an impact to the future education and training in Australia, so if you have interest or experience in any of these areas please complete the survey here and share among your networks.

Complete the survey

If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact us at 1800 714 819, or email us at

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  • 25.07.17 Extractive Industry Taskforce DEDJTR (protection of resources) meeting, Melb., E. Gibson
  • 25.07.17 ERR Stakeholder Reference Group, DEDJTR, Melbourne, E. Gibson
  • 28.07.17 Anna Cronin Commissioner for Better Regulation, Melbourne, R. Kerr, E. Gibson
  • 31.07.17 Matt Skidmore, City Circle Group, Melton, E. Gibson, G. Moreira
  • 04.08.17 CMPA/CCAA meeting re: ERR, Melbourne, P. Barro, B. Natoli, R. Kerr, E. Gibson
  • 07.08.17 Anna Cronin, Nick Ford, Northern Quarries Epping, E. Gibson

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The next Shotfirer’s Course run by Orica is being held in Victoria in early September 2017, please see details below:

Course –               Conduct – Quarry, Open Cut and General Blasting Shotfiring Course (Victoria)

Date –                    5th September to 8th September 2017.

Venue –                Orica Theatrette, Ground Floor, 1 Nicholson Street, Melbourne

For a brochure and application form click and for further information

contact Jo Liberato on or 03 8363 5301.